Bay Area Buggs

Happy New Years everyone! It’s officially 2020 and with a new year comes new changes. It’s time for my return to YouTube! I know I’ve been in the dark after making my “where have I been” video, unfortunately shortly after making that video my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer and very shortly after that diagnosis she passed away. After taking time to heal and make sure my family members are okay, I attempted to start recording content again only to realize I had an issue with my computer. I had no way of capturing my voice, I spent days attempting to fix the issue with no luck. Good new is, I have all the parts for a new computer and the issue should hopefully be a thing of the past with this new build. With that said, it’s going to take me a some time to build and reinstall and get back on my feet so I can start recording content again. I’ve missed YouTube so much and I can’t wait to bring you all content! While I’m here making an update post, I think it’s important to cover something I’ve been seeing about me taking a break from YouTube and why that’s happened. I’ll say here, I know people love drama but my break was my own decision, I had been dealing with mental fatigue and stress through my own personal life outside of YouTube and I needed that time and space to bring my mental health back to a place where it needed to be. I’ve seen people saying it’s because of Jeff or Alex or even Polecat and I’ll say this isn’t true at all, they played no part in me leaving and needing time away so please do no harasses them. Yes it is true that they left Code Zero but the honest truth about Code Zero was it was a group of us that started it years ago and after people left and joined we felt like we should keep it going, we weren’t sure what exactly we wanted to do with Code Zero and over time we realized it isn’t what we wanted it to be and the pressure of who’s in and who isn’t in Code Zero was unnecessary. Code Zero was a great time in my YouTube career but I think it’s time to move on, now that doesn’t mean I won’t be making content with previous Code Zero members, it means now we all can make content with others and each other without the question of who is in or who isn’t in Code Zero. I appreciate you all so much and I know it doesn’t seem like I have but trust me you all have changed my life so much. Getting back to creating content for you all and seeing everyone’s reacting is what will make this past year of struggling worth every second. I hope everyone has an amazing year, 2020 is a big milestone and I’m very excited to get back into YouTube and experience it with you all! Love you all, thank you all!

4 years ago | [YT] | 59,681


You and polecats gta videos made my day watching them and laughing

4 years ago | 840


I freaking miss you and Polecats videos together. Really made my days.

4 years ago | 276


Literally 2 days ago was searching "what happened to bay area buggs" on google because ive been watching your content non stop these last few weeks and have been subscribed for a long time now. Glad to hear you're doing better. Please make sure you arent coming back to youtube for us. Make sure you are doing it because its something truly makes you happy. I dont want to see you get burnt out or put into dark places because of this

4 years ago | 590


Has anyone else been coming back here to see if he’s made a update?

4 years ago | 624


Buggs, my man...not sure if you will see this or not but here goes. You needed time for yourself, no matter how long it was, you needed it! Your name is already out there and there are a lot of people out there like myself who care about you, those are the people who matter and understand. Don't worry about the other people who start trying to make up excuses why you were gone, they don't matter because they don't know the facts. I may be 48 years old but from all the videos I've seen, I love your content and can't wait to see more. Don't rush and take the time you need to recover. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, I know that she would want you to do what you are good at and what makes you happy. Just take care of yourself first and thank you for all your previous content. Good luck son, see you soon! Love ya buddy!

4 years ago | 837


Buggs: "Guess who's back... back again." New Buggs fans: where have you been?!?! OG Buggs fans: The King has returned.

4 years ago | 739


Congrats on 2 million subscribers

4 years ago | 398


He’s back! He’s in a video of CivRyan, Jeff and TheNorthenAlex on FivePD!

4 years ago (edited) | 147


Hey,bugs I wanted to tell u my mom was diogansed with liver cancer and ik how it feels man HOW MANY PEOPLE CARE ABOUT BUGS 👇

4 years ago (edited) | 773


Still visiting for more updates! Im not losing any hope! Not after this!

4 years ago | 1,000


This is us supporting you Like to support

4 years ago | 1,200


Buggs, you have gotten me through really tough times. I'm really sorry for your loss. Please, I beg you to take the time you need, I'm not going to rush you but just know that the real buggs fans will always be waiting, always. We all love you buggs and cant wait to hear from you.

4 years ago | 37


Happy New years 🎉!! I loved your gta rp video

4 years ago | 226  


OMG HE'S COMING BACK!!! 🤩 (PS I'm so sorry for your loss

4 years ago (edited) | 147  


We love you buggs. And were always here to show you our appreciation of you. You are such an amazing youtuber with great content. To me it doesnt matter how long of a break you take or what videos you make you are my number 1 fan. Youve got me thru my darkest times and im always there for you. Thanks so mich buggs.

4 years ago | 528


I've been watching your videos for 3 years buggs. You helped me through some hard times. Cant wait until your back on here man. Hope all is well

4 years ago | 27


Who has watched all buggs vids

4 years ago | 1,000


I’m so very sorry for your loss buggs, I lost my great grandmother as well over the summer, I know how it feels man. And I’m glad to see that you doing alright! I’m excited to see you return to YouTube and make even more amazing content! Love you man and here’s to a better 2020 for you!

4 years ago | 131  


I just started watching your old videos again and i hope you have an outlet like that that makes you feel better. I dont think you realize how much you brighten everyones days. We put on one of your videos and all the sudden, our problems arent so bad. Thanks for not taking us for granted too and for all the joy you bring to so many people.

4 years ago | 21


please dont let this channel die - you helped get me through some of the most depressing times in my life, and I really don't want you to disappear

4 years ago (edited) | 21