
What is the most overwhelming emotion a person can experience?


5 days ago | [YT] | 1,022


Fear can be overwhelming temporarily, but pain can be chronic and unexcapable, driving many to even suicide to end it.

5 days ago (edited) | 148


Hunger is a biological urge, not an emotion.

5 days ago | 260


I think grief and trauma are the biggest and the worst. Those will never leave you.

5 days ago (edited) | 96


Physical pain isn't an emotion.. neither is hunger.

5 days ago | 121


Fear channels the most basic core human instinct of survival.

5 days ago | 123


If you are not experiencing any of such, thank Almighty for it.

5 days ago | 36



5 days ago | 30


Anger definitely needs to be on here. It’s so overwhelming it can cost lives. Either yours or someone else’s.

5 days ago | 14


Have u mfs never been hungry??

5 days ago | 11


Hunger is a very underrated pain...

5 days ago | 22


Fear, at its absolute worst, is unlike any other negative emotion. I can make you freeze up, soil yourself, pass out... It can override your most base human functions.

4 days ago | 7


Anger/ rage, without a doubt. It’s to the point where one can easily get so tunnel-visioned by/ laser-focused on such a strong sensation, that their bodies tremor all over and even cave in to their darkest subconscious impulses by directly eliminating said source of rage.

5 days ago | 18


Despair. It's a vicious cycle, and the victims usually never stay the same. It's so overwhelming that people die because of it willingly.

5 days ago | 8


Jealousy has caused a lot of people to do some crazy things but fear is my top choice!

5 days ago | 2


Some of y’all have never starved (thank god) but it can absolutely be a driving emotion. Hunger is all encompassing.

3 days ago | 1


I have read many books written by prisoners from German Nazi concentration camps located on Polish territory … One of the prisoners said “You are hangry, when you are looking at other human being as a food”. It totally blown my mind. The whole aspect of us, intelligent human beings, living in and working for better tomorrow was crashed by this man. What we can do to ourselves??

2 days ago (edited) | 1


You probably mean the most overwhelming sensation a human can experience

4 days ago | 4


i think grief is the most overwhelming because something reminds you of it and all of a suddenyou're completely debilitated because you're crying (i don't just mean grief caused by death, but also grief caused by the end of a friendship)

4 days ago | 2


As someone who survived 9/11 a middle school riot, a plane crash on vacation, a hs shooting and a mall shooting as well as a college party shooting. I must admit fear is something you will learn to control with time

5 days ago | 2


Hunger will overcome your fear. Iykyk

4 days ago | 4