Macₓ˚. ୭

In the video I just posted I said I may go on a rant, well here I am, ranting about the future. I don't expect anyone to read it because it'll be long and serious, but I can't stop thinking about this so I'm going to just type and type.


I want to set something straight, I'm not sure how long Mac is going to last.

I have a tendency to adore something so much that I turn it into a job and then suddenly the idea of doing any of it causes me deep depression, and I'm scared that could happen any day.

I love this account, and with my Haikyuu!! x Hamilton series pretty much just starting, I'm excited to see what the future brings me on this account!

However, I am in Year 11 and next year I will be doing my GCSEs and then going to college so timings and regular uploads on this account will be difficult.

In 12 weeks I'll have my mocks, then possibly (?) again in February-March time then the real deal is in end of May-June. These are important and I'm not going to waste precious time making videos when I should be revising for what my life kind of depends on. People say your GCSEs don't really matter and it's your A Levels and stuff that do, but I can't do A Levels if i don't pass my GCSEs so yeah, they kinda do matter.

(Plus I'd hate myself if I fail.. so like YEAH. THEY DO MATTER??)

Then College will happen and I can relax a little bit while studying, learning, maybe working and making videos!!

During those months you might not see me upload often, but I'll probably make a load of community posts to let y'all know I'm not dead!!

So here's my plan, it isn't set in stone and could change any minute:

For now I'm going to continue making videos til my heart's content. I will enjoy doing so and I will love doing so, but the minute my account starts flopping I'll probably quit because I'm not going to allow myself to feel upset by less and less views each minute.

I make content to make others happy, views and comments make me happy in return and I'm not going to do something that upsets me.

I'm also aware that eventually I'll run out of musicals because again, I'm only going to make things that make me and others happy. I would love to do a Haikyuu!! x Sweeney Todd or a Haikyuu!! x Little Shop of Horrors, but let's be real, they aren't as mainstream as Hamilton and SIX so people won't care about them as much, and that's fine.

When this happens, and I do run out, I'll probably make oneshots or in all honesty, quit.

I'm able to make money off of this account, but I've chosen not to because I did that for my old YouTube account. When I did, suddenly making content wasn't a hobby, it was a job, and we all know jobs suck. I was depressed, I was unmotivated and I quit and everyone was angry at me - including my parents.

Because of this, I didn't want to make money off of this account after thinking it through for like a month, that and also since I make musical based videos the songs get copyrighted and I'm completely chill with not earning anything from it.


When College does come round and If i choose that I don't want to quit I might turn monetisation on and make oneshot videos like my one LevYaku oneshots as I can earn money from it and keep the account alive.

We'll see what happens. Part of me wants to continue making oneshots now, but I'm not entirely sure. Maybe I'll make a poll asking in like a week or so.


My hope for now is that the Haikyuu!! community is big enough and live long enough for me to quit when I choose to and not when I have to.

I love doing this and I love reading everyone's comments and making you all happy, I wish I could everyday and forever and ever, but in reality life is hard work. You have to make time around things and that's okay, you can't overwork yourself, you should always move at your own pace and not how other's tell you to.

If someone made you run super fast at their pace, a speed you couldn't really handle, you'd hurt yourself.

You'd hurt yourself.

So run at your speed.

If you did read all of this, wtf are you okay??!?

But also thank you 💕


5 days ago | [YT] | 65