Bay Area Buggs

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to give an update. I know my upload schedule has been sporadic lately, I've been busy in my personal life and hopefully I can return to a more consistent upload schedule sometime soon. I'm doing my best at making sure you all have content to enjoy, please bare with me as I get through this busy time.

I tend to post more regular updates on Twitter so if you'd like to follow me for more regular updates my Twitter is;

I wanted to take this opportunity to so say thank you for supporting me over the years! Really means a lot to have these many people enjoy my content and have a genuine interest in what I'm doing. I'm not taking a break or getting burnt out, I've just been slammed with work outside of YouTube.

I really appreciate everyone understanding! Check out the new video I dropped today!

Thank you all, love you all! <3

1 year ago | [YT] | 635


You don't have to apologize Buggs. I believe I speak for most of your following and myself of course, when I say thank you for all the content, no matter how often it comes out. I sincerely enjoy all the work and RP...scary how good it can be, lol. Gonna watch, laugh, enjoy, and look forward to every future video, until I'm in the ground.

1 year ago | 18  


It's just a shame Buggs don't stream bc he's got tons of content as Boat Boy - Chuck Livingston, but we only get the privilege of catching some of that great entertainment by tryna watch clips of it on other OCRP member's videos. It's a modest thing to do to show respect for the others in OCRP. But Buggs' videos just hit different, one of the 🐐. We would all appreciate more videos/content, but Buggs has to live his life doing what he enjoys, its understandable. If only there was like a group OCRP page where there was specific bonus content, certain characters, etc...hint hint..

1 year ago | 4  


Get in what you can buggs. Real life always takes priority. Keep it up bro

1 year ago | 1  


It's all good Buggs. No need to apologize, we all understand!

1 year ago | 1  


It’s all good buggs your personal life goes first as a wise man we all know has once said “whatgoinon”

1 year ago (edited) | 1


Don't apologise mate - we 100% understand. Thank YOU for putting out so much awesomeness over the years. We'll be right here once you've sorted it out. Take care :)

1 year ago | 0


I love the vids buggs

1 year ago | 1  


Oh shoot, I missed this post! Sorry your having a rough patch buddy, were here for you! Take all the time you need. Love ya!

1 year ago | 0


@buggs Do you know what the hospital MLA is called next to burgershot?

1 year ago | 1


Dw about it buggs we love ya dude

1 year ago | 1  


We support you buggs just keep doing what your doing

1 year ago | 0  


I love that video so funny 😆

1 year ago | 0


You the goat buggs keep it up love you too

1 year ago | 0  


Take your time boss.

1 year ago | 0  


Buggs keep ‘em comin! Watch your videos all night long , Ryan and Jeff’s too even Jeff’s truck sim

1 year ago | 0  


Dont worry Buggs. We will be waiting when you return

1 year ago | 0


10/10 RP content

1 year ago | 0  


Focus on yourself and others around you, if you try to force it then the content would probably come out sloppy. Just let it come naturally and no it’s not sloppy now, probably the best it’s ever been.

1 year ago (edited) | 0  


Thank you buggs<3

1 year ago | 0


Twitter, what's that? I only use X. 🤣

5 months ago | 0