Julia Fedorin

Hi everyone!! I’ve never asked for your critique and suggestions about my videos, and I think now is the time to! If you were to be super honest with me, what would you want me to change/add to make my videos better? I want to create content that you will look forward to, so be super real with me! I’m open to everything you say:)

2 years ago | [YT] | 33


hey Julie. i started following you 6-7 months ago and i have to say you have improved a lot. video quality, editing, script everything has improved. i don't really have particular suggestions for you but i do like it if you include gym workout clips more. love ya, stay safe. ✨

2 years ago | 2  


Hello friend, Julie! I watched your travel video but didn't have a chance to go back and comment, but it was just as honest and genuine as you are. There is nothing wrong with recognizing and staying in our comfort zones, as long as we also push and challenge ourselves as well. A little comfort is very reassuring, we need that in our lives! In your video you were a little too tough on yourself, IMO. You have so much going for you! 😊So onward to new topics, eh? I would like a vlog now and then, and I would love if you would go back to some solid workout samplers, either in the gym or at home. Have you ever done a workout with Fitness KayKay? Or gone back to Anna (growing)? How about a video about going back to some of the influencers you started with and seeing if some of those workouts still work for you? How about doing all standing workouts for a week? Your videos were the first ones that I watched during quarantine, and I'll always be grateful for what you shared! Surprise us and just keep the great content going! 💗

2 years ago (edited) | 0  


Hi there Julie!! First off, I am a HUGE fan of yours! You are super nice and open about your life and so inspiring to me and many others; you are an amazing person!! Secondly, your videos are amazing. I feel though, that you can add or improve on eating intuitively, maybe. Idk, don't make it sound like I'm forcing anything!! Please. Meaning like eating your cravings when your (or people) in the moment. That's all. Again, don't make any changes if it sounds forceful. You're super and amazing, inspiring and beautiful! Thank you for, already, your amazing videos. That's all I have to say, thank you :3

2 years ago | 1  


I like your videos. Maybe you can add challenges or vlogs. But either way you are a good content creator

2 years ago | 0  


Hmmm 🤔 that’s a toughie. I would say that I enjoy like gym workout clips, but that’s a personal preference. Don’t ever feel like you have to change your style for any one else’s approval though girlie. No matter what, stay true to who you are and what you enjoy

2 years ago | 0  


I really enjoy your what I eat in a weeks :)

2 years ago | 0  


some challenges? maybe? what you eat in a week? love your contenttttttttttttttt

2 years ago | 0  


MORE YOUR LIFE, more you actually talking in video like vlogging!!! And gym content ofc, i want to see your life, like day in your life /week but vlogging

2 years ago | 0  


love your videos already, but maybe you could vlog a bit more your day lysm❤🤗

2 years ago | 0  


i really love your videos, but it is clear that you take A LOT of inspiration from Linda Sun, the editing style, content and overall vibe of the videos are almost identical, maybe developing your own sense of style would give the videos a boost?

2 years ago | 0