Chris Baker - SUPERHEROdotVG

Which of the canceled X-Men games in my latest video would you most like to have seen released?

4 months ago | [YT] | 12


X-Men 2 with X-Women as a backup. I feel those 2 would be the ones to actually make it market and be fun.

4 months ago | 3


i personally would've liked to seen Ashes of the apocaypse because that looked liked the most ambitious of them all.

4 months ago | 1


X-Women and X-Men 2. Enjoyed hearing the story about Ashes of the Apocalypse, but I don't think mixing of RTS and action gameplay would have ended well in practice. Though X-Men game with some strategy elements would be dope. I'm imagining something like Final Fantasy Tactics, but with X-Men characters.

4 months ago (edited) | 1


X-men: Destiney the game has many Eastereggs & secret rooms to fight bad guys, win cool suit skin.

4 months ago | 0