Ghulam Rasool Dehlvi (GRD)


To The Beloved of Allah, the Seal of The Holy Line!

My heart, like a desert, thirsts for Your Murderous Eyes!
In this world of shadows, even the moon reacts when You come out of disguise!
Shohib lives between life and death!
I care not! Which one contains Your Replies!

O Master of Light! My Prophet! My Beloved Friend!
What distance is this, that We cannot mend?
The centuries stand like walls between us!
But YOUR LOVE! it floods through the ages unseen by men!

My happiness is lost! My tears find their way!
To be in Your Presence, to hear Your Every Say!
To walk The Path You Walked, To hold on to the Instrument You Play!

My heart aches with stories I’ve been told!
Of Your Kindness, Your Patience, more precious to me than gold!
Yet I have not seen You lately! O Jewel of the Sky!
My guts are cursing me in this separation!
The pupil of my eyes no longer show me brightness! No longer do they comply!

The poets speak of Your Immense Beauty! Your Luminous Light!
How Your Purchase turned the darkness of Your Bilal to heavenly white!
But all I can do is dream and implore,
To be near You! O God's Proof, forevermore!

How do I speak of this pain I feel?
The wound of separation, too deep to heal!
Yet in my chest, there grows a flame!
A love undying, a sacred claim!

How can I find You in this fleeting life?
Where distance and time cut deep like a knife!
The world offers nothing! no gold! no gem!
That can ease this ache, to be near You again!

O Beloved of Allah, I dream of that day!
When this veil will lift, and I’ll no longer stray!
When The Glowing Sight of Your Face will light up my soul!
And this fractured heart of Shohib, will once more be whole!

I know, O Master! you visit in dreams!
You comfort the broken, or so it seems!
But my nights remain empty, my pillow is cold!
And I search for your warmth in Salawaat! like a treasure of old!

I speak to the winds, the stars, the moon!
Hoping their whispers might carry a tune!
Of Your Praises sung by Angels above!
For They know You best, O Prophet of Love!

But here in the stillness, I remain confined!
Trapped by the limits of body and mind!
I walk through this life, though lost in its maze!
Seeking Your Invisible Shadow in the sun’s early rays!

They say You are closer than breath to the heart!
That Your Love and Your Benevolence will never depart!
Yet my soul trembles! My hands reach in vain!
For a Touch that might soothe this burning pain!

I wait for the day when I’ll stand in the divine court, right in Your sight!
My soul clothed like a criminal in the purest white!
And then, O Beloved! I’ll weep at Your feet!
My sins may drag me to hell! May Your Venerous Vision save me from defeat!

I plea for my final moment! I pray We unite!
I have done too much wrong, to ask You for my right!

So Finally! Hear my screams! In this letter I send!
From a dirty heart, that vows to Love You till the very end!
O Beloved! Please assist my shameful feet, towards Your Guided Way!
Asking to be By Your Side is too much!
I just want a chance to play!

4 days ago (edited) | [YT] | 2