Beau Miles

G'day everyone! Righto, three new every two weeks!

The first one, next week, is about my awesome wife and I going on a weekend away after the hardest year of my life (Helen mountain bike rides while I eat good food and sit on the deck of a nice place). After that, at long last, is Bad River 2: Rafting the most polluted River in Australia, which is about bloody time, I know. Finally, in this bracket of new releases, is a film about me and a whacky mate proving Kramer (Seinfeld) right with a bottle redemption scheme...

Among all this is going back on tour around the brown biscuit of Aus, about to hit up Hobart, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth. Tickets still available mates!

Most of all I hope this note finds you with rudy skin and happy hands (one's that have been productive, or in the dirt, weeding!).


1 year ago | [YT] | 2,295


You are my favourite YouTuber by far, so real, so true & a huge inspiration! I talk about you every week to others about how valuable your stories are 🙌🏽 I only found you about 3 months ago and have greatly been anticipating your next adventure ☺️ absolutely stoked to see this post. You are the man! Jim, Kent, UK

1 year ago | 8


Really looking forward to seeing these mate. Love your work, love your style - or complete lack of a pretentious one, love your commentary on all things big and small. You are a complete bloody legend Beau.

1 year ago | 4


I reckon you could make a whole “proving Kramer right series” – construct “levels” in your house, live in your shower, host a game show in your house. If anyone’s crazy enough to enact Kramer’s dreams in real life…

1 year ago | 8


Hey dude! Hope your hard year was hard in good ways and not bad. Best to you and your family

1 year ago | 36


You've taught me a lot about authenticity and the effect that it has in storytelling. You sensationalized the mundanities of life, and yet it still comes across as your authentic experience. Thanks for being a great storyteller and inspiring me and others to tell out stories, too. Cheers.

1 year ago | 0


Looking forward to it Beau! Your videos inspired me to start running myself last year. Just managed my first half marathon because of you ✌️

1 year ago | 0


Thank you for what you do beau!

1 year ago | 2  


Anything you put out. You are brilliant. Thanks

1 year ago | 0


bad river is one of my favs of you, cant wait for the followup. Great work with an unusual spin on ethnography.

1 year ago | 2


Love the new joy and adventure in your own backyard stuff. Such a great way to approach life! If you come back to the US, pop on by Minneapolis. The interior isn't as harsh here 😳

1 year ago | 0


I really can't wait for these. Always inspirational

1 year ago | 0


Can’t wait! Best films on YouTube!

1 year ago | 0


Beau, love your spirit and wisdom with each video. We'd love to have you out here in the appalachian mountains. Plenty of hard obstacles and challenges

1 year ago | 0


More more more. Can't get enough mate. Cheers.

1 year ago | 0


Lets go Beau! Absolute aussie legend! :7 Keen as a bean!

1 year ago | 0


Love Your Work Beau it Was Great To meet You , Stay Awesome.

1 year ago | 0


Your kayaking down Australian creeks has made me want to plan to do one down Oxley creek up here in QLD

1 year ago | 2


Love your videos !

1 year ago | 0  


Looking forward to seeing these mate! Your first polluted river video in Sydney was the first one of your vids I saw and it moved me to tears seeing just how bad it really was, I’ve been passionate about picking up other peoples rubbish ever since.

1 year ago | 0


We got the bell notification on, ready for you mate!

1 year ago | 1