Cobra Kai

Which Cobra Kai quote is the most memorable? 🗣️ Drop your other favorite quotes below! 👇

2 months ago | [YT] | 3,678


"Sweep the leg"

2 months ago | 494


"The only pronouns we accept in this dojo are SENSEI and STUDENT"

2 months ago | 251


Get him a body bag!

2 months ago | 224


Daniel: "Where the hell were you?" Johnny: "No be there."

2 months ago | 220


“doctor says i could be on the spectrum.” “i dont know what that is but get off it pronto.”

2 months ago | 81


Johnny: “Drink it. It’ll put hair on your balls!” 😅🤣

2 months ago | 33


“Put one of those hash browns on it like ‘hash brown Cobra Kai’ AND SEND IT TO THE INTERNET!”

2 months ago | 430


“Mercy is for the weak. We do not train to be merciful here. Man confront you, he is enemy. Enemy deserve no mercy.” -Mr. Miyagi quoting Kreese back to himself.

2 months ago (edited) | 64


My students told me to buy an apple, you sold me a lemon.

2 months ago | 56


Trick question; only "Quiet!" is a Cobra Kai quote. The rest are Karate Kid. Mad disrespectful

2 months ago | 82


"i have asthma." "NOT ANYMORE!" Sth along those lines

2 months ago (edited) | 68


“They’re calling me Daniel LaRacist on here.”

2 months ago | 72


Quiet goes hard 😮‍

2 months ago | 23


"I call it the Quick Silver method: If he can't stand, he can't fight... If he can't breath, he can't fight... If he can't see, he can't fight..." Although Terry Silver probably ate those words in the end of season 5 of Cobra Kai...😂

2 months ago | 49


“I call it the silver bullet”

2 months ago | 32


"Get him a body bag. Yeahhhhh"

2 months ago | 33


“Make his knuckles bleed.” “Oh, hey. Hey! I like that, Johnny! I’M GONNA USE THAT!”

2 months ago | 11


“Yoga doesn’t start till 6 no matter how much you need it “

2 months ago | 23


“They’re calling me Daniel LaRacist” 😂

2 months ago | 6


Best way to win a fight: no be there

2 months ago | 26