The Wall Street Journal

‘No one’s pushing me out,’ Biden says, as pressure from Democrats grows:

Photo: Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters

2 months ago | [YT] | 836


Let’s see who’s a man of the people. The great majority of America wants you to step down Joseph.

2 months ago | 69


The ultimate sign of a weak leader, not knowing when it’s best to back off for the country.

2 months ago | 731


joe wants a fist fight

2 months ago | 106


Old man screams at sky.

2 months ago | 278


It’s so selfish of him to do that! If he loved America, he would step aside and let a younger democrat take the lead.

2 months ago | 120


When your ego is more valuable to you than the betterment of your country

2 months ago | 160


Remember when politicians had the integrity to recognize when it was best for their party, their country, and democracy to step down? Same thing happening in Canada. Politicians, and really people in generals egos are out of control these days.

2 months ago | 146


Congratulations USA you have just let Trump win...AGAIN

2 months ago | 52


Step down. Really you need to retire. No one can understand what you’re saying

2 months ago | 39


Neither trump or Biden should be presidents PERIOD.

2 months ago | 15


Never interrupt the Democrats when they have already made a big mistake. The international community is looking on.

2 months ago | 36


Please get us a new democratic candidate for the love of God. Biden is senile....

2 months ago (edited) | 6


"The emperor has no clothes"

2 months ago | 59


How many Joe bidens does it take to unscrew a lightbulb?

2 months ago | 52


"I'm the president of Pennsylvania, jack!" -Brandon

2 months ago | 7


Arrogance, hubris, and carelessness.

2 months ago | 26


Trump is literally walking into the Whitehouse this year. Both liberals and conservatives know this.

2 months ago | 2


2024 - it’s scary year. I don’t know if it’s worth casting a vote. One is delusional and the other is demented… 😞

2 months ago | 5


No one needs to push Joe out. It would only take a stiff breeze.

2 months ago | 15


Remember..the stairs are on the left and the right of the podium. After you grasp that concept then we can talk.

2 months ago | 4