Ham Radio 2.0

I will be doing another giveaway of an HF Radio once my Email List reaches 20,000 subscribers. We're over 19,000 right now, so we're getting close! SIGN UP and help us get there!
Also if you MISSED ta previous Giveaway, you should sign up on the mail email list because I always share other giveaways with my email list too.


3 weeks ago | [YT] | 114


I can’t wait to see more information. I love what Yaesu is doing, in fact, I own a couple myself but I just bought an Icom IC-705, full Peovi cage, and Windcamp RC-2 for it while waiting for Yaesu to come out with a small QRP rig. They took too long so I bought the 705 and it’ll take alot to get me to switch.

3 weeks ago | 0  


Are you giving away an FTX-1F, or is the picture just to feed our lust? 🤤

3 weeks ago | 1  


I think this is a missed opportunity for Yaesu. Only 6w on attachable battery pack… come on! It’s pretty easy to have battery packs that produce 12-13v which would be able to make at least 10w. There are plenty of similar products, at that size point, online with regard to power. Also, 4.3” screen just facilitates the need for making the radio small. And then, in typical corporate fashion to squeeze every last dime out of the consumer, they will charge extra for a stupid fan, a tuner, a stand, etc… come on! Do better Yaesu, and I am a fanboy for Yaesu. I recommend folks look at the FX4CR or even the silly ol’ Xiegu G90x. I know, I know, the new Yaesu will have VHF/UHF/C4FM but at 6w (less after line loss to the antenna). I wanted this to be better. I wanted it to be 10w on internal and no bigger than the FTM-500 faceplate. It’s possible, with SDR tech, to make it that small. But hey, I’m not the designer or the engineers… this is just my opinion and we all have one. Have a great day folks! 73

3 weeks ago | 2  


I’m not falling for this low power radio. It’s Yaesu grabbing cash.

3 weeks ago | 2


breaker breaker, I'm on the list over

3 weeks ago | 0  


Let’s do it

3 weeks ago | 1  


I like the concept. It’s a QRP to compete with the IC-705, but they are both going to be just too overpriced and too low output for the average ham operator. Dont get me wrong, I’d love to have one.

3 weeks ago | 0  


What radio is this???

3 weeks ago | 0


Done deal Jason

3 weeks ago | 0