The Wall Street Journal

Biden wants to be tough with Russia and Iran—but wants low gas prices too:

Chart Source: Argus Media

Photo: Artem Priakhin/SOPA/LightRocket/Getty Images

2 months ago | [YT] | 569


We have to move towards nuclear, solar, wind, other renewables, local natural gas, etc so we don’t have this “in need” relationship with foreign countries

2 months ago | 161


Want oil to the world markets but don't want Moscow to be paid? The answer is privateering!

2 months ago | 20


He also wants his ice cream cone

2 months ago | 19


He is high like his son

2 months ago | 17


Not smart. Fueling war is giving Russia means. You really think that Russia is selling cheap gas ? They are making trillions and able to live happy lives while Europe crumbles under pressing energy prices

2 months ago | 2


If only he didn't ban certain fracking and oil pipeline projects

2 months ago | 7


He might need to go back to Camp David and get some rest for that cold ASAP.

2 months ago | 7


Also stopped producing our own. There's a pipe line the next guy could have connected day one. It's 2 miles of pipe. Just sitting there. Ready to be connected.

2 months ago | 1


If only we had our own supply of oil we could use……

2 months ago | 2


Who's feeding him that message through the earpiece?

2 months ago | 0


we want cheaper oil but we get it from our enemies? 😂 always the biggest laug

2 months ago | 0


Oil is THE commodity of industrialization. That goes far beyond fuel for transport.

2 months ago | 0


Kind of unfortunate we're stuck in the cognitive dissonance of wanting to invest in renewables while also subsidizing gasoline and, as a result, inherently unsustainable car infrastructure. Only small wins over time will change it, though.

2 months ago | 2



2 months ago | 16


Is it just me but the graph looks like West Virginia

2 months ago | 0


Can't have your cake and eat it too

2 months ago | 19


Can't we just pump our own oil? It's better for the environment, it's cheaper, and it creates jobs here.

2 months ago | 0


What type of gas? Gasoline it natural gas?

2 months ago | 0



2 months ago | 0



2 months ago | 0