Coach Stephen Woolston

Living and working from a deeper, clearer, more peaceful mind is possible. It just doesn't seem like it when you're in the depths of stressful thought.

It's not about mind hacks, though. I meet people who use pop mind hacks every day and they look like people who drink way too much Red Bull and desperately need some sleep.

What's even better than having a technique is not needing one.

How? By cultivating something more generative!

It's more about planting thought seeds and cultivating the conditions in which those seeds grow than mind hacking.

It's more about self-awareness and a better understanding about the relationship between who we really are, the stories we tell ourselves, the masks we wear to hide who we are, the true nature of thought, and reality.

It's more about learning to let go and let our innate ability to self-correct do its job, rather than smother it try and drive the bus from our conscious minds.

This is what we're going to explore in my upcoming 3C course.

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