Ebony Love and Marriage

Here, "BLACK LOVE" IS CELEBRATED! Looking for positive & beautiful portrayals of Black couples, Black love & family, this is the channel for YOU! Look around, utilize the resources, rate, comment, subscribe!Network! Find Love!

- Black Women & Black Men dating, married to or interested EACH OTHER.
-Those who are tired & done with the self destructive & foolish "gender
wars" & the propaganda that Black Love is impossible /dead & who
need encouragement, edification, inspiration & hope in ♥
- People who ♥ themselves, their heritage, people & opposite sex
reflection of themselves

-Black couples determined to have healthy Black children & families
& to instill the same cultural heritage, self worth & dedication to the worldwide African community in them
- The Edification, Empowerment & Encouragement of BW & BM and our