Desert Gardens Homestead

Zone 9a. Tucson, Az. This channel is a splash of gardening/homesteading videos with faith inspired messages.
I have been blessed as steward of this 2 acre plot which through His blessing, have transformed from dirt to food forest.
I will be detailing many of the activities from home made fertilizers, plant propagation, and every day tasks that may be of interest.
My goal is to provide my subscribers with tips and ways to become more self sufficient, and to build physical, mental, and spiritual preparedness.

Contact me at:

Desert Gardens Homestead

Celebrating Independence and Freedom doing what I do best, propagating fruit trees!

These are Barbados Cherries, a tropical bush from the West Indies, hence Barbados. For lack of viable cherry options, this could be a substitute, even though they aren't cherries! Lol

Acerola or Barbados Cherries are a little difficult to propagate, not because of technical difficulties, but due to the length of time to root. I started these in January and am now just pulling these out to pot up. It took about 6 months to propagate, even though they showed new leaf growth within weeks.

To give these over achievers a chance to root, I enclosed them in this clear plastic container for the last 3 or 4 months. They are heat loving, so hot Temps didn't determine them, but I do vent the top to reduce heat at times.

You'll see countless videos showing people "propagating" Barbados, but hardly ever see the roots shown. Here are the roots, my friends. It can be done with patience.

2 months ago | [YT] | 12

Desert Gardens Homestead

How is this even possible? 🤔😂

3 months ago | [YT] | 8

Desert Gardens Homestead

Absolutely massive roots on these Dwarf Black Mulberries. Unfortunately, I lost half, one entire side, to nematodes. Those dirty buggers. @sherihicks1427

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 5

Desert Gardens Homestead

Thompson Seedless grape. 100% success. Like taking candy from a baby. Lol

5 months ago | [YT] | 4

Desert Gardens Homestead

Blister Beetles are back full force this year. It must be a mating cycle. It's been 4 or 5 years since they were in these numbers. Most years I don't even see them. They scream don't mess with me. Every year it seems like a different insect enmass. Praise Yah for His creation and the work these guys do.

1 year ago | [YT] | 6

Desert Gardens Homestead

We woke to this a few days ago. A very rare sight to see in the Sonoran Desert and the talk of town for days to come. 😂

1 year ago | [YT] | 7

Desert Gardens Homestead

In future videos, do you prefer background music or no background music?

1 year ago | [YT] | 12

Desert Gardens Homestead

Does anyone know what this is? This is a Praying Mantis egg, and having these in the garden is a sign of a very healthy ecosystem.
If I see these on tree limbs, even if it's one that needs to be pruned, I will wait until after spring to allow these to hatch out.
Praying Mantis are one of the best pest control means alongside Lady Bugs. Keep an eye out, and you may notice these around.

1 year ago | [YT] | 17

Desert Gardens Homestead

I love seeing the various types of mushrooms that grow here. We've had some rains as of late, so I am seeing quite a few clumps coming up through the woodchips. The promotion of fungal activity is yet another reason why mulch is so valued. Father's creation is so vast and complex that it's nice to take a moment, appreciate it, and thank Him for creating it.

1 year ago | [YT] | 11

Desert Gardens Homestead

I was wondering why the egg count has been down a bit. Lol

1 year ago | [YT] | 14