Avalon Emerson’s musical identity was forged on the dancefloor, but her outlook has never been limited to the confines of the club. Quite frankly, it’s not limited to anything.

A San Francisco native and one of the rare DJs who can move seamlessly between the sweaty confines of clubs like Nowadays, Berghain and massive festivals like Coachella, Primavera Sound and Glastonbury; Avalon is beloved for her melody-rich, genre-agnostic selections.

With that resume, Avalon could have easily stayed in the dance music lane and continued to relentlessly tour as a DJ, but even before lockdown suddenly brought parties to a halt, she was itching to do more.

With her upcoming project, Avalon Emerson & The Charm, she’s left the DJ booth altogether, venturing into an intimate strain of synth-pop informed by her love of avant-pop auteurs alongside showcasing her singing voice to the world - which she introduced on her acclaimed 2020 DJ-Kicks mix.