2014. That’s the year it all started.
We were a newly married couple, with the dream of sailing and exploring this beautiful world. With a tight budget, we ended up searching for a fixer upper boat. Alma, an Ericson 41’ 1969, was the big winner. Even though she needed A LOT of work, we knew the potential was there.

For 4 1/2 years, everyday after our full time jobs, we worked on her, hoping that one day our hard work would pay off...

5 years later, we finally finished our once project boat. But we had a new addition to the crew, our beautiful baby girl. When we felt that we were ready to depart, we sold all of our belongings so we could be able to jump headfirst into this lifestyle. We had many doubts along the way, but we persevered and finally made our once ‘unreachable’ dream come true.

Learning to sail, living in a small space, and learning to be parents all in one, THIS will be quite the journey and we look forward to sharing it with all of you!