Geek With Social Skills

I'm a Geek With Social Skills that's into 1970s, 1980s and 1990s vintage technology like computers, audio gear, retro video game consoles and various music styles (Rock, Metal, Alternative, Electronic and more).

My favorite retro 8-bit computer is the Commodore 64. I still own my childhood C64 that I received for Christmas in 1983. My vintage Apple IIe, Commodore PET 2001-N, Intel 486DX2-66, Compaq LTE 5300, Tandy TRS-80 CoCo 3 and NABU PC get a lot of use as well.

I've been gaming since the release of consoles like Pong, Atari 2600, NES and Vectrex to current modern day consoles like the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

Note: My channel is just a result of my various hobbies, so please be kind when my production quality doesn't stand up to those of other full-time content producers.

If you are interested in sending a donation to the channel, please contact me. You can find my contact details below under "business inquiries." (Visible on YouTube via a web browser, not the phone app.)