FundInvoice - Invoice Finance

FundInvoice LLP provides a multi-award-winning independent invoice finance & business funding quote search service.

We found 30% average cost savings for our factoring & invoice discounting clients (over 5 years to 11/2023). Our business was the Winner of Invoice Finance Quote Specialists Of The Year- UK at the EEA Awards 2023 having previously won EEA awards in 2022 & 2021.

Our website contains product guidance and a full archive of all of our market research findings including mystery shopper pricing studies, customer satisfaction scoring & funding-related research projects.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This channel provides general information & guidance only. The information and guidance may not always apply and should not be relied upon in place of specific advice for your business and its circumstances. FundInvoice LLP and its Partners therefore disclaim all liability for your use of the information on this channel.