Doctor of Physical Therapy| Goal to Inspire and Educate others in their natural fitness journey | Married and Natty Daddy of 2 | Jesus is Lord | Certified Personal Trainer.
My Top Lifts
- Deadlift 605x1, 545x3
- Squat 550
- Bench 370x1, 275x10, 225x23
- Weighted Dip 210 lbs at 210lbs
- Weight Chin 180lbs at 209 lbs
- OHP 240x1
- Human Flag 10 seconds at 200 lbs.
- 3 Muscle ups at 205 lbs

I mainly upload to this channel is to inspire others and myself. The comments and friends I've made on here help me keep to keep going and stay motivated. When I read that I helped someone with their training or inspired them, my motivation takes off. Knowing I inspired someone, makes me feel accountable to keep training and progressing
Thanks for the views, comments, and subs. Light weight baby.