
What is the most overwhelming emotion a person can experience?


5 days ago | [YT] | 1,022


Fear can be overwhelming temporarily, but pain can be chronic and unexcapable, driving many to even suicide to end it.

5 days ago (edited) | 148


Hunger is a biological urge, not an emotion.

5 days ago | 260


Physical pain isn't an emotion.. neither is hunger.

4 days ago | 121


I have read many books written by prisoners from German Nazi concentration camps located on Polish territory … One of the prisoners said “You are hangry, when you are looking at other human being as a food”. It totally blown my mind. The whole aspect of us, intelligent human beings, living in and working for better tomorrow was crashed by this man. What we can do to ourselves??

2 days ago (edited) | 1


I think grief and trauma are the biggest and the worst. Those will never leave you.

5 days ago (edited) | 96


Fear channels the most basic core human instinct of survival.

5 days ago | 123



5 days ago | 30


Fear, at its absolute worst, is unlike any other negative emotion. I can make you freeze up, soil yourself, pass out... It can override your most base human functions.

4 days ago | 7


Anger definitely needs to be on here. It’s so overwhelming it can cost lives. Either yours or someone else’s.

5 days ago | 14


Have u mfs never been hungry??

5 days ago | 11


If you are not experiencing any of such, thank Almighty for it.

5 days ago | 36


Anger is the most overwhelming for me. There are times when you can feel fear, sadness or even happiness, but anger, once you feel it and don't control it you can get drunk on it and keep on feeding it. I've been having anger issues all my life and it's affected my loved ones, although I've been able to get a good control of it over the past few days, sometimes it feels like it's just bubbling right under my skin.

2 days ago | 0


It's really a tie between pain and fear. Fear can grip you so strong, you can't do anything. Pain can be emotional to where your life is altered and hanging in the balance of the emotions. So really, it just depends on the situation.

2 days ago | 1


Some of y’all have never starved (thank god) but it can absolutely be a driving emotion. Hunger is all encompassing.

3 days ago | 1


In my case, pain was more overwhelming than fear & that was from contractions (labour pains) and losing close family members. So both mental & physical pain but I’d say the mental pain is worse out of the two.

3 days ago (edited) | 1


You probably mean the most overwhelming sensation a human can experience

4 days ago | 4


i think grief is the most overwhelming because something reminds you of it and all of a suddenyou're completely debilitated because you're crying (i don't just mean grief caused by death, but also grief caused by the end of a friendship)

4 days ago | 2


Fear in my opinion, how’d I come to this conclusion? Some of the most devastating wounds are the ones we can’t see, fear is almost always prevalent in any negative situation. For example, the beast we know as anxiety at the root of anxiety is usually the fear of what comes next.

4 days ago | 1


Hunger will overcome your fear. Iykyk

4 days ago | 4


Surely severe pain will be so overwhelming that you can't even think of the other emotions.

5 days ago | 1