"You have to be free to think things up. they come along, these ideas, and they hook themselves together, and the unifrying thing is the euphoria they give you, or the repulsion they give you (and you throw those ideas away).
if they're all stringing themselves happily together and they are forming a story that's carrying you forward, the first way you can kill that is to start worrying about what other people are going to think. Then you start worrying about, what your immediate friends or family are going to think - that can kill it right there.
The next thing to worry about is the general public. It's so abstract, you kill it instantly. then you have to worry about the future people, and you can't even imagine what they are going to be like. so you'd have to figure they're not going to like it.

You have to just trust yourself."

- David Lynch


Shared 13 years ago