The People's ID Bot Project

It's 2014. Our lives are becoming more digital. And identity fraud is becoming more complex, fast and sophisticated. Almost everyone knows someone whose life has been disrupted by having their personal information shared, stolen or sold fraudulently. And more of us are at risk every day.

But while fraudsters will go to any lengths to find out about find out our information, most of us go to any lengths to avoid thinking about identity fraud, much less finding out how to stop it.

Well, no longer. We're a group of innovators who've been working with a global company called Experian to find a way to stop identity fraud.

Together, we are developing a new product, a super-smart ID bot called IdentityProtect which aims to help people protect their identity online. Over time, we're inviting experts and customers to help us make it even smarter. But we also know there's more to solving this problem than having a smart product on your side.

So we've set up the People's ID Bot Project