I´m Mary Jamie. I like slash. Anything that has good story and good characters.

Tumblr: lokijamierui.tumblr.com
In AO3: LokiJamieRui

I like...:
Stargate Atlantis, SG-1.
The Lord of the rings, The Hobbit
Hawaii Five-0
Hannibal TV
The Walking Dead
Superhero comics: The Avengers, The Lineage of Justice, Batman, X-Men, Deadpool, Hellblazer...
The Boondock Saints
Mad Max films
Pandorum, Riddick films, space films
Western films
Star Wars, Star Trek
Doctor Who
Sherlock Holmes
Powder Park
Sons of Anarchy
Videogames: action, survival horror, rpg, ...
and much more ... all it have slash fiction (M/M).