Apparently I am the Infamous "You Know Who"
Here’s my story….
Way back in 1985 I got an entry level position at a post production video editing facility. Over the years I taught myself to edit by creating music videos using Anime, which I was very much into (I like to say that I was into Anime before it was COOL). My first video was Hair. Next, I did the infamous "Girls with Guns" video ( I must say this one has always been my favorite and apparently has been yours as well).
I had fun making the vids and gave them to some of my anime fan buddies, and that was the end of it... or so I thought.
Flash forward to 2015, I have not really followed Anime for the last 15 years or so. I was surfing youtube and found one of my videos. Then I started reading the didn't know it was so popular. I did some more research and found out that I am apparently one of the great "mysteries" of the AMV world?!
I was famous and apparently didn't even know it.
Mystery Solved
You Know Who