Dumb stories from when I was a numbnuts kid and an even dumber adult. Thanks to the community that's been here for over a decade.

I've been making videos since 2009.

Started on Dec 7, 2009

Alex Clark

Leave your guess for what my next video is about int he comments... (Yes it's episode 2 of the college girl series... what's it about...)

1 month ago | [YT] | 256

Alex Clark

Thanks for your help donating to St. Jude Children's Hospital. For more context, here are the details:

A few months ago, we released a video titled "Yelp Review: My Bully." The video is a Yelp review of a middle school bully who farted on my head. It's a very funny video if you haven't seen it. It was actually sitting there under his junk, I learned the first rule of comedy: always punch up. lol.

While working on that video, I looked up my old bully. Here's a surprise: the boy who farted on my head now works with St. Jude Children's Hospital. WOW. He's like the little fart factory who could.

I thought it would be good-hearted fun to donate some of our Patreon money to St. Jude's in honor of the boy who farted on me. So at the end of the bully video, we promised that any new members who joined during May 2024 would have 100% of their contributions go directly to St. Jude's. On top of that, we threw in some extra money and in total donated 35% of our Patreon earnings that month.

Sorry we had to tarnish our usual brand of studio fart jokes by doing something really nice for children who need it... I promise as soon as I am finished being a nice, thoughtful person, I will belch a good loud meaty burp in a quiet public setting to make up for it.

1 month ago | [YT] | 274

Alex Clark

My next video “The College Girl I Got Pregnant.” is a game changer.
(Thank you to Patreon backers for funding it.)

It is super relatable and i have a feeling it sets up something that will be bingeable and rewatchable for you. You’ll especially love it if you’re a fan of some of our older content. I can’t wait for you to see it!

Also, thanks for your patience. It’s been a minute since I’ve uploaded anything but i have actually been working more than usual. I spent the past 6 weeks working 13 hours days 7 day weeks making this video. There were 28 drafts of the video and we recorded over 3000 lines of dialogue as we honed/rewrote the script to get it perfect. So much passion went into it. I wanted to make something that you could enjoy every second of and I’m proud to say we did it. This is my current masterpiece.

I’m excited and nervous to release it. Excited because it's simply perfect. Nervous because if it doesn’t perform well i will most likely cry. I keep hoping every video I make is gonna pop and then when it doesn’t it’s honestly a heart wrenching loss. With each loss it’s harder to muster up the belief to make one more video but with the support of friends and family i put everything i got into this one. We took a huge swing for the fences. 

I have hope. You can never lose hope. We’ve sent it to a few YouTubers i respect and i got back feedback that it was “on another level” and “spicy AF” so here’s hoping that giving it everything i got pays off

I’ll drop a trailer for the video soon and the full video sometime after that. Much love and respect and if you think it sucks that’s ok. That’s why i make internet video and not tv because i want everyone to have easy access to hurting my feelings 😂😂😂 just kidding.

I gave it my all. I hope you’re proud..

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 386

Alex Clark

For the next few weeks, my wife and I have made our PODCAST available to all members (including free members) of our Patreon. (Usually it's exclusive for paying members).   If you'd like to listen... it costs nothing to join and you'll be laughing at Pam and I right away.... at one point in this week's episode Pam gives a detailed description of me wiggling my butt.... its silly. Go enjoy.

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 101

Alex Clark

Every time this post gets a like I will do 1 push-up.
(Push-ups will be done on my next livestream)

5 months ago | [YT] | 876

Alex Clark

Comment your worst birthday story below... if there's enough interest I'd love to animate it for a video. Cant wait to read all your stories. :)

5 months ago | [YT] | 162

Alex Clark

Thank you to everyone that showed up in the stream to help storyboard my last video. I was blown away by the kindness and support (though not surprised by it). Im a bit stumped on what to do for my next video. Maybe you have an idea? The things Ive done recently that seemed to have resonated with the you all are the character parodies... like the British guy in the "met my wife in the shower" video and Mr Romantic in the "He's Lucky to be alive" video. I think you also really dug the yelp review format... and personally I loved how wholesome that particular video was. Not sure if that sparks any ideas with you.. but anything you have to say in the comments Im sure will spark some ideas in me. Low pressure, doesn't matter if they are great ideas or garbage ones, I'd still love to read them.

I'd love to do some other yelp review or character piece with a wholesome quality to it - but it also has to have a super clickable thumbnail and title.... what are ya'll thinking?

much respect

5 months ago | [YT] | 223

Alex Clark

Cranking out a cartoon skit about snow days because I miss them deeply. Nothing like being left alone as a middle schooler with nothing but my developing brain and episodes of jerry springer. It will be out on Patreon soon and on this channel a few days after that. Thanks for your support Patreon and fans of my stupid cartoons.

6 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 228

Alex Clark

Are you fans of avatar the last air bender? Deciding if i should make a video about it.

6 months ago | [YT] | 177