Alex Clark

My next video “The College Girl I Got Pregnant.” is a game changer.
(Thank you to Patreon backers for funding it.)

It is super relatable and i have a feeling it sets up something that will be bingeable and rewatchable for you. You’ll especially love it if you’re a fan of some of our older content. I can’t wait for you to see it!

Also, thanks for your patience. It’s been a minute since I’ve uploaded anything but i have actually been working more than usual. I spent the past 6 weeks working 13 hours days 7 day weeks making this video. There were 28 drafts of the video and we recorded over 3000 lines of dialogue as we honed/rewrote the script to get it perfect. So much passion went into it. I wanted to make something that you could enjoy every second of and I’m proud to say we did it. This is my current masterpiece.

I’m excited and nervous to release it. Excited because it's simply perfect. Nervous because if it doesn’t perform well i will most likely cry. I keep hoping every video I make is gonna pop and then when it doesn’t it’s honestly a heart wrenching loss. With each loss it’s harder to muster up the belief to make one more video but with the support of friends and family i put everything i got into this one. We took a huge swing for the fences. 

I have hope. You can never lose hope. We’ve sent it to a few YouTubers i respect and i got back feedback that it was “on another level” and “spicy AF” so here’s hoping that giving it everything i got pays off

I’ll drop a trailer for the video soon and the full video sometime after that. Much love and respect and if you think it sucks that’s ok. That’s why i make internet video and not tv because i want everyone to have easy access to hurting my feelings 😂😂😂 just kidding.

I gave it my all. I hope you’re proud..

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 386