A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE RECORD LABELS & RECORDING ARTISTS for allowing me to display their vintage audio treasures here on my site. It would be a shame to let these gems be forgotten by time.

WITH RESPECT TO ARTISTS & PERSONS in relation to using Audio's/Video's/Photo's/Print Media on a given subject, whether it was a public released item, or a "unique", one of a kind item(such as a homemade audio, video, photo, photo slide show, or printed document)..I am not here to violate your copyrights, and or privacy.

This site is for sharing sounds, and sights from the past to help educate others, especially the younger age group **30 years old and younger on recordings(mainly audio/visual) of sounds and sights made before their time, since most of the examples and versions here on my site are not readily heard, or available elsewhere, many are also deteriorating away with time..thus, depriving future generations in connecting with past events by way of the audio/video recording mediums.**(30 years old based on 2009 time line..that minimum age will only increase as time goes on).

I feel it is much more involving if you can visit a past event by listening, and or viewing audio and visual(film/video) recordings than simply reading about it in a history book, or document(if it is even documented elsewhere..period!!). In saying that, I will respect the wishes of anyone who created, or helped create any these audio/video/photo/printed media files I have here on my Youtube site and remove them at their request if they so desire.

I do not enjoy having old audio/visual/photo media turning to dust, depriving future generations of learning about past entertainers, as well as everyday Jane's and Joe's homemade recordings..but I also want to respect wishes of content creators.

The focus of this site is on the preserving, and restoration of recorded sights & sounds of the past for current and future generations to enjoy before these old audio/visual recordings deteriorate into oblivion, or get destroyed by disaster.

The emphasis here is on archiving old, rare, and family home recordings(both audio & visual) since they are usually "one of a kind" and not mass produced multiple copies like famous artist recordings, and if some disaster destroys the only copy of your great grandfathers barber shop quartet recording for example, it is lost forever!!

Preserve it in digital format, and make many copies to share with your other family members or close friends of your family