Slavic Epic Music & Russian Traditional Folk Music & Songs

Hi! Welcome to my music project "Kanteleon" channel, devoted to slavic epic music you won't find anywhere else.

I'm Kirill Bogomilov, musician, composer, producer & multi-instrumentalist, performing original slavic epic music.

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All the instruments I use have ancient roots including 25 & 37-stringed "gusli" (an old Slavic instrument) which produces expression sounds of slavic flutes.

Together with my team of creative musical experts, we are also crafting ancient musical instruments, with knowledge drawn from worldwide epic history legends and myths.

You can browse our online selection of ready instruments including gusli, lyras and flutes. Alternatively we can craft an instrument from scratch for you personally. For enquiries please contact us via the contact page.

I hope that my music and videos inspire You to make your dreams come true!
