Sheila Simkin is not a travel agent and does not represent any tour operator, cruise line or airline. Her goal is to encourage you to take the big step and travel to more exotic, remote destinations with tips, anecdotes and reassurance that, yes, you will come back alive. Follow her advice learned the hard way on roads, more and less, traveled.

An addicted traveler, and creator of Travels with Sheila, a daily travelogue about adventure and cultural travel..Read in-depth details about each video on

Sheila's downloadable Budget Travel Guides are also available for Kindle, iPad and other devices at

The U.S. State Department recognizes 193 independent countries and she has visited 150 in over 40 years of travel (but...who's counting). Touring, hiking, trekking, rafting, skiing, volunteering on archaeological digs, family trips, occasionally sitting on a beach, compulsively shopping.and eating! Happy traveling...


Shared 3 weeks ago