Domains of Ambience

If you're interested in using any of the music on the channel, you can contact me on

© Copyrights for all music on this channel belong to Oscar Graae Madsen.
You may not use the music on this channel without express permission from me, so make sure to send me a message before any use.

Domains of Ambience

Hey guys!

So I finally finished this piece. It's a little different to what I usually upload, but I hope you'll give it a listen - and as always, you're very welcome to leave any feedback in the comments! :)

- Oscar

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 15

Domains of Ambience

Hey everyone!

I know it's been a little while since I last uploaded to the channel. I had a bit of a mishap with a harddisk a while back which caused me to lose several pieces of music I was working on at the time and kind of needed a break from writing music after that. I've gotten back into composing again though and have a few different ideas in the pipeline. For now, I've released another Mechanicus track and made a long-form compilation of Mechanicus pieces for those of you that might be interested. Hope you like it!

All the best.

4 months ago | [YT] | 10

Domains of Ambience

Hey guys - I hope you're all doing well!

I know it's been a bit quiet on the channel for a while now. I'm currently working on a few new videos that I hope to be able to finish and upload within the next few weeks!

Since some of you have asked for ways to buy the music/support the channel, I've finally managed to put together a Bandcamp for Domains of Ambience. It's a website that makes it possible for those of you that are so inclined to purchase my music and stream/download it at your leisure. I've had to change a few titles and use different artwork for the sake of not getting into any copyright troubles with Games Workshop, but I think it's pretty clear which tracks the new titles represent. If you're interested, you're more than welcome to check it out - I greatly appreciate any amount you're willing and able to support my work with!


I always appreciate the great comments you guys leave on the channel, and I look forward to reading your reactions to the coming videos!

- Oscar

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 27

Domains of Ambience

Having succumbed to the seductive whispers and harmonies of the Dark Prince, the former Third Legion now ravages the galaxy as tribute to their favoured god.

New soundtrack is out for those that might be interested. Judging by the statistics, it doesn't seem like YouTube is too keen on promoting this one - YouTube is a Slaanesh-hater confirmed? As always, thanks to all of you supporting the channel! :)

2 years ago | [YT] | 24

Domains of Ambience

I've had several comments asking me to make music dedicated to the Word Bearers and so here it finally is:

As always - thanks for all the support, and I hope you all enjoy it! :)

2 years ago | [YT] | 25

Domains of Ambience

Some of you have asked for something with more of a heretical flavor, and so I thought who better to find inspiration from than the father of heresy himself! If you give it a listen, let me know what you think!

You can listen to it here:

2 years ago | [YT] | 20

Domains of Ambience

I finally finished this piece. Unfortunately I had a lot of technical issues along the way which delayed my upload quite a bit (I guess the Omnissiah isn't too pleased with me at the moment!). I hope you guys enjoy it and I'll now get straight on to the next one! :)

You can watch it here:

2 years ago | [YT] | 27

Domains of Ambience

Hey! I just wanted to thank everyone for your awesome, supportive comments, likes and the fact that you decided to subscribe to the channel - I really appreciate it! I will be uploading a new video within a few days and will generally try to upload a bit more often and more regularly moving forward!

Again, thank you so much for all the support! :)

2 years ago | [YT] | 11