Domains of Ambience

Hey guys - I hope you're all doing well!

I know it's been a bit quiet on the channel for a while now. I'm currently working on a few new videos that I hope to be able to finish and upload within the next few weeks!

Since some of you have asked for ways to buy the music/support the channel, I've finally managed to put together a Bandcamp for Domains of Ambience. It's a website that makes it possible for those of you that are so inclined to purchase my music and stream/download it at your leisure. I've had to change a few titles and use different artwork for the sake of not getting into any copyright troubles with Games Workshop, but I think it's pretty clear which tracks the new titles represent. If you're interested, you're more than welcome to check it out - I greatly appreciate any amount you're willing and able to support my work with!


I always appreciate the great comments you guys leave on the channel, and I look forward to reading your reactions to the coming videos!

- Oscar

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 27