ImplantPentruRefuz TM

Implant pentru Refuz escapes the safe routine and constantly adventures beyond the comfort zone. For the past 17 years they've been broadcasting from the underground an incongruous second tone, meant to erode the omnipresent white-noise of the surface. IPR is one of the first names behind what's seen as the smart and creative reaction within Romanian music, that area of the cultural underground, of the alternate versions accompanying (like a rectifying seismic wave) the convulsions of a sickened giant social organism.
IPR become the beholders of our losses and our wasted chances, the storytellers of the widespread public blindness. Their music's roughness does but bring to sight the unevenness and the denied wounds of our reality. And the fact that all these remain unseen and uncomprehending can only mean one thing: IPR makes braille music...