Kristina Coleman | Krazy Love Ministries

Dr. Kristina's Bio

Kristina is passionate about ensuring people understand their reason for living and the "why" behind their God-given gifts for activating a life of God-given purpose and destiny.

Kristina is an ordained minister, educator, and wife to her wonderful husband, Eddie, as well as a mother to her three beautiful children, Kiersten, Kristopher, and Kaleb.

Kristina received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership at Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Kristina began truly for God to reveal His purpose for her life shortly after her daughter, Kiersten, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She was heartbroken, lost, and confused, but able to find hope through God's Word, prayer, and educating others going through difficult times that there is hope through God.