As a former atheist and skeptic, I created this YouTube channel to show others how I was saved by Jesus Christ and to share my personal experiences as a born-again Christian. I pray that the content of this channel blesses you and helps to strengthen your faith in our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ.

Instagram (Christian account): think.biblical

Mariah Jones

Lots of people stuck in lordship salvation (a subtle form of legalism) like to use the following verse to perpetuate a false Gospel:

Matthew 7:21:
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

If this verse has ever caused you to doubt your salvation, remember this: if you’ve put your trust in Jesus Christ, you will NEVER be told “depart from me.” Why? Because by believing on Jesus Christ to save you, you have already done the will of the Father! John 6:40 (as appeared in the image below) affirms this. The word of God is ALIVE. It interprets itself!

This verse is synonymous with Matthew 7:22-23 which says: “Lord, Lord, have ‘WE’ not done many wonderful works in your name?” Jesus tells these people that He NEVER knew them.

Not “I used to know you,” but: “I NEVER knew you” to those who were never saved. These are people who professed to be Christians, but never believed on the finished work of Jesus Christ to save them. These are people who relied on their “wonderful works,” and prophecies used in the Name of Jesus to save them.

Sadly, many people are not able to understand that it’s not their head knowledge of Jesus PLUS their performance that saves them. It’s only Jesus! He is the door. Jesus is the narrow path. Jesus tells us that whoever tries to enter through ANY OTHER WAY than the sheep gate is a thief and a robber. Enter Heaven by putting your full trust in Jesus Christ. Many people call this “easy believism,” but many, MANY people simply are not able to put their full trust in Christ alone to save. “Easy believism” they say. The Bible says the cross is FOOLISHNESS to those who are perishing.

Believe on Jesus Christ to be saved and you WILL undeniably go to Heaven. God cannot lie.

If you’re relying on anything else except the blood of Jesus Christ to save you, now is the time to put your FULL FAITH in the Gospel found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and be saved and sealed! Jesus KNOWS YOU if you’ve truly put your trust in Him to save you. Once you believe, you receive the Holy Spirit of God — He will dwell in you and know you forever.

God bless you guys! Love you all!

Follow me on instagram for more truth! @ think.biblical 🙏🏼

3 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 243

Mariah Jones

The book of James is prompting believers who are ALREADY SAVED to make their faith a LIVING faith instead of a dead one. Instead of being stagnant in our faith, we are called to aid others in need and produce good works — BECAUSE we are saved. Not TO BE saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 is clear. We are not saved by works, but faith in Jesus Christ. James 2:22 tells us that good works actually PERFECT our faith🤍 ...
may God help us to produce good works by loving one another! For more posts, follow me on instagram @think.biblical 🙏🏼 God bless you guys!

3 years ago | [YT] | 249

Mariah Jones

Let’s be reminded of what Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:11-12! When others persecute you for preaching the Gospel or speak falsely against you for Jesus’ Sake, remember that God is on your side... and great is your reward in Heaven (Matthew 5:11-12). Not only did the wicked attack and reject Jesus Christ, but the most DEVOUT, religious people who professed themselves as “God’s people” attacked Him... as well as those who followed Him. Jesus refers to these people as “broods of vipers,” “hypocrites,” and “children of the devil” (John 8:44). Let’s keep sharing the Gospel of our salvation and comforting each other as the Word of God advises us to! 💛🙏🏼 pray for those who come against you... God can remove the veil from their eyes that comes from the evil one. God bless you all! Keep your eyes on Jesus and put your full FAITH in Him for salvation! He will lose NONE of those that the Father has given Him (John 6:39)! 🙏🏼🐑

4 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 428

Mariah Jones

In the midst of chaos, focus on the GOSPEL alone. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus Christ. Satan is perpetuating division and confusion because he knows his time is up shortly and we are nearing the end. Don’t get pulled in. Don’t get distracted and don’t allow yourselves to be deceived. I see Christians getting caught up in this evil, social-political agenda because their minds have been weakened by those who shouldn’t be preaching or leading. God wants us preaching what isn’t popular during a time like this... the truth is never popular, but it saves souls. Focus on what’s important....Jesus, souls, and eternal life!
This life is but an eye blink in comparison to eternity. Let us all pray continuously for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God bless you all. Stay safe in Jesus’ Name. Much love to you all.

4 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 517

Mariah Jones

A message for all of us 💛🙏🏼

4 years ago | [YT] | 677

Mariah Jones

Amos 5:18-20 is direct reflection of the dream God gave me about His probation period closing// the bear chasing and finding people wherever they would hide! The day of the Lord is approaching... and Jesus is coming soon!!! Let us pray for the global outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the same way the disciples did before the day of Pentecost!!! We all need to unite like never before.. please pray for the revival of the church! Feel free to follow me on instagram: @think.biblical 🙏🏼🙏🏼 God bless you guys! Love ya!

4 years ago | [YT] | 525