Mariah Jones

In the midst of chaos, focus on the GOSPEL alone. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus Christ. Satan is perpetuating division and confusion because he knows his time is up shortly and we are nearing the end. Don’t get pulled in. Don’t get distracted and don’t allow yourselves to be deceived. I see Christians getting caught up in this evil, social-political agenda because their minds have been weakened by those who shouldn’t be preaching or leading. God wants us preaching what isn’t popular during a time like this... the truth is never popular, but it saves souls. Focus on what’s important....Jesus, souls, and eternal life!
This life is but an eye blink in comparison to eternity. Let us all pray continuously for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God bless you all. Stay safe in Jesus’ Name. Much love to you all.

4 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 517