Rob Westwood-Payne

In this channel you can find videos to equip you in your growing walk with Christ.

As the Commanding Officer of Basingstoke Salvation Army, I preach most Sundays. I try to provide positive, practical encouragement from the Bible each week.

During each sermon, I seek to carefully explore the passage we are looking at, placing it context. I try to find illustrations that help you connect with the issue we are exploring. I focus on taking us on a journey that makes the message life applicable. Having heard what the Bible says in a particular passage and on a specific issue, the question remains, So What?

I also produce a Daily Devotional through each Monday to Friday, called Battle Drill. Most of the daily devotionals follow on from my preaching on a Sunday. The devotionals seek to equip you for your daily walk with God as you go through this Battle Drill.

You can find more videos relating to Basingstoke Salvation Army on their channel:


Shared 1 week ago



Shared 3 weeks ago