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The Medrash Ets Haim aims to be an online Beth Medrash (study house) for those interested in the rational and balanced approach to Torah Study as taught in the great Sephardic yeshiboth (yeshivot) of Western Europe.

There is a focus on the beginner learning Hebrew and Aramaic grammar and language; obtaining exposure to a range of texts, including the entire text of the Mishnah, Tanach and Targum, before beginning the study of Guemara. The initial emphasis will be on basic textual competence. Guemara (Talmud) will be approached in a direct manner. There will also be a strand of halacha study.

The material on this site is produced by Mordechai de Molinar, who studied at Yeshivat ha-Mivtar from 1987 to 1991, subsequently at Jews' College (MA in Hebrew and Jewish Studies), then at Yeshivath Knesseth Beth Eliezer in Jerusalem, followed by a further year of research at Beth Medrash L'Rabbaneem, London.