TFP Student Action

If you are pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-God, this channel is for you.
Join our young team in the good fight for moral values. TFP Student Action promotes and defends moral values on college campuses, where the truth is needed so much.

You're invited to join the peaceful crusade to restore Christian Civilization.

TFP stands for Tradition, Family, and Property -- the pillars of Christian Civilization.
God bless you & the 225,000 subscribers on this channel.

On this channel you will find videos that:

-- Debunk common myths used to justify the sin of abortion
-- Dismantle the arguments of the homosexual movement
-- Why transgenderism is harmful to the family
-- Question Evolution Theory
-- From the front lines -- TFP activism on campus
-- Debunk climate change
-- Stories of Saints and Catholic heroes
-- Interviews & much more