Don't mind the videos I know I'm not going to be doing this all the time I know the videos are random but still try not to be mean to anyone just live the life you want without anyone telling you differently I know it might be difficult what am I saying I haven't even thought about this stuff myself I really don't know what to say if anyone does see this that I know IRL please don't worry and the people that don't know me I just do this to remember all the stuff that I forgot about in my games but I don't play much anymore because this year I'm just now trying for the world championship in Call of Duty mobile I don't know how well it's going to go how far I'm going to make it I'm going to keep trying until I win because the money would be nice remind me to fix up this house that has a leaking roof don't worry about that can anyone that does have a question just put a comment I might read it if it's something personal I'm not going to answer it