exists to remind people that we are all our own cavalry, we must be prepared to ride in to effect our own rescue. Be it an attack, car wreck, life threatening illness or poverty; we need to develop the "stuff" to get it done.
Seldom in life when things go sideways is a cop, fireman or doctor sitting by to bail you out. While we need those people, 99 times out of 100 we don't have that luxury of being near one at the moment of distress. Self-protection is not having a weapon, a first aid kit or ninja hands, it is a mindset and a philosophy. We believe we can make our world a better place by instilling the notion of personal-responsibility and self reliance into our youth, students and most importantly ourselves. When we lift ourselves up, we are elevated to see above the junk and clutter and can in turn lift up a brother, a friend or a stranger in need.

Mickey Schuch is a pistol combative instructor and former president of McHenry County Right to Carry Association.


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