Trying my best to help my people and to be a good leader.
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Maxwell Rhoe

Do you have a self-improvement YouTube channel?

1 week ago | [YT] | 30

Maxwell Rhoe

Go check out my latest video. I think you'll really like this one.

1 week ago | [YT] | 10

Maxwell Rhoe

I wanted to drop some YouTube advice for everyone trying to make it on YouTube.

YouTube is great because of how rewarding and humbling it can be.

There is always a reason for what happens.

A bad performing video didn't just perform bad for no reason.

The same goes for high performing videos...

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That's basically what we are all trying to figure out.

"What worked well, how do I repeat that?"

"What didn't work well, how do I avoid that?"

This is a dumbed down version of how I look at it now:

A GREAT video idea with GREAT packaging WILL do well. (People will click and watch)
A GREAT video idea with BAD packaging CAN do well. (People will click but might not watch)
A BAD video idea with GREAT packing ALMOST NEVER does well. (People will click but not watch)
A BAD video idea with BAD packaging has NO CHANCE. (People won’t click, and even if they do, they won’t watch.)

(Also, I don't get angry or sad or feel any way about views anymore. I don't EXPECT some sort of result. I see what happens and no matter what, I try to LEARN and do better next time.)

One of these 4 options almost always leads to why you got a certain view count.

Let's say you had a video that performed pretty average.

It's most likely is that your idea wasn't appealing enough.

But it also could be that your packaging (title & thumbnail) were pretty shit.

You can usually use YT Analytics to help you understand where you went wrong.

Then, always ask yourself..."Why???"

Why did nobody click on this video?

Why wasn't this video appealing to my audience, even though I thought it would be?

Did it do bad because I was trying to solve a problem that didn't exist, or a goal that nobody really cares about?

Is it not relatable?

As a YouTuber you always need to figure out the why.

Once you know WHY something happened, you will know WHAT to do next time.

You won't be lost.

Honestly, I was lost for a while, and even though I'm learning more, I still need to ask myself that "why" question all the time.

But still, I'm feeling less like I'm stranded at sea in this ocean that is YouTube.

Getting a better understanding of all this also comes with experience.

Again, THIS is what helps me make sense of everything ⬇️

A GREAT video idea with GREAT packaging WILL do well. (People will click and watch)
A GREAT video idea with BAD packaging CAN do well. (People will click but might not watch)
A BAD video idea with GREAT packing ALMOST NEVER does well. (People will click but not watch)
A BAD video idea with BAD packaging has NO CHANCE. (People won’t click, and even if they do, they won’t watch.)

If you don't learn from each video, you will keep doing the same thing and making the same mistakes without making any progress.

And as we all know, the true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Hope this helped, and if you made it here, might as well join the community:

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 35

Maxwell Rhoe

What's up everyone.

Hope you're doing well.

I feel like I haven't really been committed enough recently.

To the channel, my community, and especially myself.

I'm not going to let this go on anymore.

No excuses.

Waking up early, two videos a week, working hard everyday.

That's what I want.

That's what's going to happen.

I'm very grateful for all of you.

I care a lot about this channel and you, and I want to help.

I just wanted to say that.

Go get after the day.

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 89

Maxwell Rhoe

So this isn't a paid sponsorship or anything

But if I just need three people to use the code through the referral link to get it free for a year

I'm going to make a video on how to fully optimize your phone for functionality and productivity for the cheapest price

Thanks in advance to you cool mfs that use the refferal (I think you can just delete the app right after)

Love you all and have a fking great day πŸ’ͺ

If you download it and use my code 915FE1A0, you can unlock an extra feature

1 month ago | [YT] | 32

Maxwell Rhoe

If you make content, this post is for you.

If you don't, don't bother reading this post.


I've had a free online community for a while now. (Join here:

And something that I've learned is that every content creator should have a free online community for their audience.

The platform I use, Skool, is hands down the best way to do this.

For a long time, one of the biggest problems I've had is not knowing when or how to get into entrepreneurship.

Skool solves both of those problems.

And making a free community is so effortless that there's no reason not too.


But why use this website Skool and not some other platform like Discord?

1. It's the easiest way to get into online business in the modern day

2. A free community will literally create sales for a paid community you can make in the future

3. It's super easy to use

4. It's allows you to give SO much more value than platforms like Discord.
The ability to make courses and host calls through Skool alone makes it a no-brainer.

5. It's literally the NEXT BIG THING.
Skool is backed by two of the smartest entrepreneurs in the world: Sam Ovens and Alex Hormozi. If Alex Hormozi went all in on Skool, it would be smart of us to make the same investment.


Okay, even though Skool is a no-brainer, why should you make a free community now?

One of the questions every content creator has is, "When should I make a paid product?"

This solves that problem because it's a FREE community.

A place to give your audience a community and FREE value.

There is no reason for anyone in your audience not to join, so you don't have to do any marketing and it doesn't have to be perfect in any way.

It's the easiest stream-line into business that I have ever seen.

The free community will answer so many questions for you, like it has for me.

What are the pains and goals of my audience?

A free community will tell you.

What paid product do my fans really want?

A free community will tell you.

What kind of product should I make?

A free community will tell you. (A PAID COMMUNITY ON SKOOL!!!)

Your free community will also be the EASIEST and BEST way to promote your paid community on Skool.

There is no reason to not have an online community for your audience.

It gives you more customers in the future, it's another way to help your people, your community will grow as your audience grows, and your audience will love it.

It's a win-win.

Click this link to make your own free community right now:…

There's a 14 day free trial so there's absolutely no sweat.

It's an affiliate link, so if you use it, it also supports me.

Keep making content.

It WILL pay off.

Trust me.

(Also, let me know in the comments if you want me to make more posts about growing on YouTube)

2 months ago | [YT] | 22

Maxwell Rhoe

Thumbnail designer and video editor application forms are open!

Thumbnail designer application form:

Video editor application form:

Are you going to apply?

4 months ago | [YT] | 33

Maxwell Rhoe

Good day beautiful people!

The weekend has arrived and I hope all of you have an amazing, productive, and fun Saturday.

You don't understand how much you've changed my life.

I wouldn't choose life any other way.

I know it's the most cliche YouTuber thing every, but you have made my life possible.

You've given me the best life.

Love you broski. ❀️

4 months ago | [YT] | 326

Maxwell Rhoe

I know I haven't gotten a video out in a while, but expect a lot more from me in the future.

I'll post a video in about an hour or so, but the reason I haven't posted in the past couple weeks is because I'm trying to figure out my situation with editors and thumbnail editors.

I just don't want to keep pushing this off.

It's been the bottleneck for a while.

I want to focus on recording, scripting, and executing better on videos, not on editing.

It's just not what I truly feel is purposeful.

Once I get a team set though, I will definitely be posting at least two videos a week.

I'll have more time to focus on making good videos, so expect higher quality in the future.

Thanks for all the support you have all given me.

I have the opportunity to be a leader and make a difference because of you.

And for that I am forever grateful.

I am living my best life because of you.

Thanks. :)

I don't think I say it enough.

4 months ago | [YT] | 98

Maxwell Rhoe

Just posted a banger

Go check it out:

5 months ago | [YT] | 36