AmericanLivesMatter- DoubleDragon

Champion the faction of #Good - Freedom of Expression & Freedom of Media is exercised and *not manipulated on this channel* American Lives Matter : All comments are welcome on this channel & point of view of others do count a great deal ; Freedom of Religion I do practice , but do not intentionally impose my religion on others , fore all humans will see God in a slightly different light ~intents are all that mattered & knowledge of history in symbols are what I base my beliefs on~ my wisdom comes from a physically painful past & no choices were given to make but I do wish my wisdom help others have a better life & not suffer , sometimes my concepts may be hard to understand but I do have a state award for highest concepts of numbers score on Stanford achievement test 1 year for the State of Alabama . I do challenge subjects that do NOT make ethical sense to me & I do think of others in perception before iniating those subjects - Be well Human race & thank you for input in comments.