WingMan for Recovery

Addiction Resource Systems, Inc. (ARS) is a technology company that is redefining the way addicts go about finding solutions for recovery.
Our number one goal is to help save lives. Our flagship product, WingMan For Recovery, is intended primarily for individuals in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, with a secondary audience of family members, friends, and supportive professionals contributing to the care of recovering addicts. WingMan For Recovery is focused on what research shows to be the 5- to 20-minute period during which an addict experiences a typical craving. During these periods, WingMan For Recovery offers a range of encouragement, productive distraction, quick access to resources and incentives to help push through the craving and foster the long term success of sustaining recovery.
WingMan For Recovery is not intended to supplant existing relationships or treatments, but rather to provide additional and immediate assistance to individuals in recovery.