Laxmi Foods Brand

Laxmi is the #1 South Asian food brand renowned for its wide reach and steady supply of great-tasting ethnic food that guarantees purity, quality, and value to customers who want meals to taste authentically South Asian, like they do back home.

Laxmi was born out of the absolute need of a young family to be able to enjoy food from its home country while being away from home. It all began in 1972, when Mr. G.L. Soni founded his South Asian foods company ‘House of Spices’ from the garage of his home in New York.

As a South Asian immigrant couple living in New York, the Sonis, particularly Mrs. Shobhana Soni, faced challenges every day to find Indian ingredients for home cooking. Her necessity to cook authentic Indian food for her family and create a home away from home inspired Mr. G.L. Soni to start importing Indian cooking ingredients through friends and family. Soon, the couple found that they weren’t alone in their longing for homestyle cooking.