10 minutes with Jesus 10 minutos con Jesús

10-minute audios to help you pray.
Daily sparks to ignite prayer: a passage from the gospel, an idea, an anecdote and a priest who speaks with you and with the Lord inviting you to share your intimacy with God.
Find your moment, consider you're in his presence, and click play.
All information on our website: www.10minuteswithjesus.org

Audios de 10 minutos que te ayudan a rezar.
Un pasaje del Evangelio, una idea, una anécdota y un sacerdote que te habla y habla al Señor invitándote a compartir tu intimidad con Dios.
Busca tu momento, piensa que estás con Él y dale al play.
Toda la info en nuestra web: www.10minutosconjesus.org

Help/ayuda Teaming: www.teaming.net/10minutosconjesus-grupo