(Cut to corner of cinema. A man in an ice-cream girl's uniform is standing in a spotlight with an ice-cream tray with an albatross on it.)
Man: Albatross! Albatross! Albatross!
(A customer approaches him.)
Customer: Two choc-ices please.
Man: I haven't got choc-ices. I only got the albatross. Albatross!
Customer: What flavour is it?
Man: It's a bird, innit? It's a bloody sea bird ... it's not any bloody flavour. Albatross!
Customer: Do you get wafers with it?
Man: Course you don't get bloody wafers with it. Albatross!
Customer: How much is it?
Man: Ninepence.
Customer: I'll have two please.
Man: Gannet on a stick.
(The camera zooms past back onto the screen. On screen appears another 'Intermission' sign.)