Julia Shalom Jordan

✨Walk with me as I walk with Jesus. I hope to edify, encourage, and champion your journey.✨

I'm the author of 'Breaking Free from Demonic Forces' and co-author of 'The Trinity Bible'.
Please check out my two websites: www.ShalomBeWithYou.com and www.AbbasHeart.net

The Holy Spirit has blessed me with experience and understanding in spiritual warfare and hearing the voice of God. My writing and ministries reflect my passion to pass any wisdom I've received onto others.

About 10 years ago, the Lord told me one day I’d start a YouTube channel.😩
I was HORRIFIED at the thought. (I’m an introvert)

Over the years, people would prophecy this over me and each time, I’d get nauseous.😰
After stepping away from social media, I heard Him say, “It’s time.”😳

In faith and obedience, I’ve uploaded two important messages God has moved me to share.
Not only would I GREATLY appreciate your support, (subscribe to my channel) but I could use your prayers!