Brighton-born duo WREX make electro-charged alternative rock to turbocharge heartbeats, snap necks and fill both dancefloors and moshpits. Shades of punk, nu-metal, pop and trance collide and coalesce but never clash; a wild explosion of riffs and synths that pulls from influences as diverse as While She Sleeps, Faithless and Linkin Park.
This is the WREX blueprint: a fierce, all-enveloping wall of sound with little time for music’s outdated boundaries or conventions; creativity, joy and emotion unbound. “WREX is about letting go,” George Donoghue says. “It’s a release from everything that’s going on in the world around you, a purge of everything you’re thinking and feeling.”

“Absolutely phenomenal live band if you get the chance to see them” - Melita Dennett (Radio Reverb / BBC Introducing Sussex & Surrey)