Chef Jana

Hi, there my lovelies!❤️ Just a quick update for you guys; it is taking a tad longer for me to come back to make our weekly videos but I still am in Brazil and just wanted to let you know that all is good and soon enough I will be back here cooking some delicious food for you to enjoy! Meanwhile, you can follow what I have been doing on my Instagram @chefjana.
I love you all! 🥰

3 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 336


Miss you Chef Jana but I'm glad you extended your self-care time... work hard, play harder ! ENJOY your time off 🌞

3 years ago | 0  


So missed your voice saying "my lovelies!; and know your lovelies have missed you, too! 😃 Hope you are having a wonderful & safe vacation time. 😷 and look forward to your next vegan recipes videos! 🍽😋 p.s. miss your kitties.

3 years ago (edited) | 0  


Hurry back we miss you....

3 years ago | 0  


Miss you so much. Looking forward to more videos from you. Hope vacation was great, you deserve it.

3 years ago (edited) | 0  


Thanks Chef Jana. Take care of you and yours. Keep safe. Stay well.

3 years ago | 0  


Take your time! We will survive. You need to recoup and enjoy your time.

3 years ago | 0  


Thanks for letting us know. I've been wondering about you. Safe Travels.

3 years ago | 0  


Bless you

3 years ago | 1  


Boas férias!

3 years ago | 0  


God Bless You all, including your cats!

3 years ago | 0  


Hope all is well. Looking forward to your comeback and future recipes. ♥️

3 years ago | 0  


Enjoy your vacation!!

3 years ago | 0  


Hope all is well Jana, we have missed you too, take care 😘

3 years ago | 0  


Can’t wait for more Chef Jana food!

3 years ago | 0  



3 years ago | 0  



3 years ago | 0  


3 years ago | 0  


Have a nice holiday

3 years ago | 0  


Come back soon Jana❤

3 years ago | 0  


Missing you.

3 years ago | 0